17 Jul D’Alfonso del Sordo a Club Vini
Posted at 17:14h
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Club Vini talks about D’Alfonso del Sordo wines in the video of 2th July 2019
Located at the foot of the Garganic hills, the estate “Coppanetta” that extends for 30 hectares (25 vineyards), is the heart of their productions. The vineyards of this estate, some more than 40 years old, are composed on limestone and clay soils, ideal for growing grapevines such as Bombino Bianco and Moscato. Here are located the cellar for wine-making and facilities for bottling and for ageing. In the wine making winery all grapes , grown only on the Gianfelice d’Alfonso del Sordo’s vineyards, are processed following modern techniques.
Catapanus (Bombino Bianco) | Casteldrione (Nero di Troia) | Guado San Leo (Nero di Troia)